Implementation of Quantum-Text Steganography using BB84 protocol on an Interactive Module

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In the modern online era, the privacy of individuals and organizations is decreasing day by day. The search of high encryption standards with the use of keys always ends up in encryption techniques like AES, DES but they are suspected to be vulnerable to Quantum Computers. To tackle this respective dispute, this paper proposes a quantum steganographytechnique administered by BB84 key distribution protocol. This protocol uses plain text encoded into the cover file which dissociates the secret message dispatched between multiple parties. Subsequently, a stego object is created without altering the content of plain text which contain the secret message. These embedded messages are incorporated as phases of the entangled states and ultimately shared among respective parties in prior as a quantum keys, which are later utilized during retrieving the secret message from stego object by the corresponding party.

2023 Applied Quantum Computing, BON View Publication